Custom Design Services
Birch & Willow sconces and pendants are made to order. We work with our clients to design and create the ideal fixtures to suit their lighting needs. We consider a number of variables when designing a custom lamp, including placement, function, focal points of the area, other light sources, and the atmosphere to be created. Site visits can be arranged.
The slide show to the right includes a range of custom designed range of fixtures, screens and wall hangings. Swipe cursor over the bottom of images to display the text.
Contact Kathy Ahern for a consultation: 617-423-3437.
Below are two examples of custom designs starting with concept drawings and elements of existing Birch & Willow fixtures.

In the first example, we were asked to create a Roost Pendant to be suspended at the top of a 36' tower/residential entryway. The new home was located in a wooded area populated by eagles. We modified the Roost Pendant dimensions to reflect the proportions of an eagles nest.
Round Roost Pendant to Eagles Nest Pendant
In the second example, a restaurant renovation called for four 48" high x 24" wide pendants to create the major decorative and lighting elements of the make-over. The architect selected the weaving style of our Meadow Sconce and the coil of the design elements. The design was expanded to include the creation of five decorative screens used to establish a visual seperation between the reception desk and dining area.
above: Meadow Sconce to Vine restaurant custom pendants.
below: Weaving custom screems for Vine restaurant.
Weaving custom screens.